master data management
for Salesforce

Improve operational productivity
accurate data in the moment
Optimise data governance
flexibility in configuration

clearMDM v9.0 (Summer '24) Demo

Please Contact Us for an online product demo or visit us on the Salesforce AppExchange.

In recognition of the varying nature of MDM requirements across scale, complexity and compliance dimensions, clearMDM Editions offer tiered MDM solutions.

clearMDM® automates the delivery of Single Customer View benefits such as improved operational efficiency and 360º Insight advantages such as marketing segmentation accuracy.


Cross-object and Cross-field record matching with flexible fuzzy logic. Find duplicate records in real-time with detailed match analysis.

clearMDM supports matching in real-time or via UI, API, Batch Job and Process Builder/Flow actions.

Cross-object and Cross-field record merge with configurable field groupings and prioritisation logic (recency, data quality, frequency, source etc.).

clearMDM provides data stewards with data governance tools based on match score or record-level conditions.

Data-centric projects can fail due to a lack of visibility of the data quality challenges that lie ahead.

clearMDM provides flexible Data Profiling tools that deliver data quality metrics and actionable insights.

Protect Data Quality with point-of-entry protection that prevents duplication at source. A real-time API enables external applications to reference Salesforce as a MDM hub.

DYNAMIC data-driven hierarchies replicate external system relationships.


clearMDM extends Salesforce with flexible, secure MDM features.
Data never leaves Salesforce.


From initial ad-hoc guidance through to best practice, full-service product implementation. Tailored implementation consultancy services available by request. All services projects are delivered by an expert team led by a Salesforce Certified Technical Architect.